Creating A Basic RSS Feed For Your Site

admin, 01 October 2012, No comments
Categories: Blogging RSS
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The future of RSS Feeds and internet marketing is
looking bright and promising. It would be a wise
decision to get yourself up to speed on this developing
content sharing technology by putting together your
own news feed for your site.

In the previous article on RSS Feeds you learned
some of the basic information on what an RSS feed
is and what it can do for your website. Today we’re
going to learn to create a basic feed that you can put
into use within a few minutes.

To see what RSS Feeds will look like on your site you
can take a look at mine at:

Is it difficult to create the feed?

No not really. You do need to know how to set up and
edit html code using a few symbols that I’ll show you below.

Without getting into all of the technical details of whcih
version or RSS specification you should use, let’s just
get down to the nuts n’ bolts of it.

You can build an RSS file from scratch pretty easily, as
long as you keep the features aligned with the material
you’re trying to present. You’ll need to start up your
favorite html editor to create the one your file (page that
will contain the code and content links) for your RSS Feed.

NOTE: Once you have created this file you will need to
upload it to your server to allow other web sites to display
your feed on their site(s). The best part about this is that
once the file is created you can easily update your channel
and content by updating your file.

OK let’s begin….

You must be in html format to enter the code on the page.
At the top you must include the following:

This lets RSS readers know that the page is set up for
an RSS Feed.

Next you will be adding the code that identifies your channel
information. This tells readers about your feed.

Add Your sites’s feed title here
Describe What Your Feed Offers

What’s the above mean? Here’s the breakdown.

Tag definitions…

The “title” tag tells viewers the name of your channel. The
“link” tag provides a link to your web site. The “description”
tag describes what your channel offers and the “language” tag
indicates that you’re writing in English.

Now for those of you who want to provide an image like
your logo within your feed you can add the following tags:

Title For Your Image
Place a link here such as
Describe What Your Site Offers

OK – now that we have all of the business side of the feed
out of the way we can get on to the code that will allow
you to display your content. For each item you want to allow others to see you need to add the following code.

My First Article, etc
Provide the headline or short description here

For every new item you add you will need to follow this
same format. Pretty simple, huh!

Now lets close up your feed. To do this add the following
code after the last item you want to display.

There, you’re done. Now save your page with a .rss extension
and upload it to your website. It doesn’t matter where you
save it to, it can be in your root directory or in a separate folder.


You can get more indepth information and complete step-by-step
instructions from the FREE ebook “RSS Publishing Made Easy”
that you can download when you subscribe to my Net Review


Now that you’ve created your feed you’ll want to share it with
on your website and maybe even syndicate it on other
sites.In order to view your new feed on any of your webpages
or let others display it on their’s you need to do one or two more things.

You can….

1 – Convert your RSS Feed URL to a java script code that
you can add to any webpage on your’s or others sites. To do
that you’ll need an RSS to javascript converter. Not to worry
because they’re Free online services that you can use to do this
very quickly.

My favorite one is…

Here’s another…

You can also look for news aggregators and reader directories that you can submit your feed to for more exposure.

Now, with an RSS feed you have an efficient way of sending your
content directly to the viewers who have asked for it. This gives you another avenue to get your message viewed by more and
more people across the net.

Reprint this article as long as resource box remains intact.

Copyright 2005


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