So you’ve decided to start publishing an e-newsletter, or you’d like to develop a Special Report as an added-value for your customers, or maybe you’ve even decided to teach a teleclass or a seminar as a way to bring prospects into your business.
So now you have to decide what you’re going to write or speak about. So just how do you come up with content for your free information products that you know your prospects and customers will be interested in?
Well, you can start with looking at the knowledge you have that could truly benefit your prospects and customers. What do you know a lot about, that your customers and prospects don’t? What information could you provide that could help them to improve their business, or make them happier, or show them a different way to do something, or provide them with tips on how to buy or use the product or service you provide?
The key is finding out what information your prospects and customers need or want most. Asking them is the easiest way to find out, and it is a great way to generate content for your information products.
If you have made arrangements to speak to a group, ask the person coordinating your talk if there is a way to survey the group as to their most important questions relative to your line of business. For example, if you offer Wellness Coaching Services and you are speaking to a group of corporate executives, find out what their burning questions are related to wellness.
In a corporate environment, they should be able to quickly and easily compile this information via an email sent out to all employees who have been invited to your talk. Knowing that your goal is to speak directly to their concerns, they will probably be more likely to attend as well.
When you get the results of your survey, look for common or recurring questions and focus your talk on the answers to these questions. Save any remaining questions as topics for your e-newsletter. You can use this as an incentive to get attendees to register for your e-newsletter by saying at the end of your talk